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Readings from October, 2023
My October 2023 reading notes, september was a good for reading but I have being quite busy on october, I did read things but not really “read”, taking notes and studying. The point of these posts are for studiying and sometimes you don’t have time.
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Readings from September, 2023
My september 2023 notes on the content I read and found interesting. They are grouped by topics, mostly related with technology but also with other subjects. The links are on the comments, that provide context and some toughts on the matter.
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SSH Random notes
Some of the ssh tricks that I learned while automating tasks or just configuring remote services.
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Random reuse and recycling of house items
A mix of avarice and search for efficiency and incoformism on why we throw away so much stuff. Being a minimalist means that I want to also use as minimal as possible the resources I had. So I found a way to simple reuse the salt grinders from the supermarket.
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Moving my github pages from custom CMS to Jekyll
Content management is hard, either you use a old style CMS or use a web service ( medium, wordpress, blogger ) or you do it yourself. I tried for sometime almost all the options, and ended up with wordpress as generic tool and my own in-house version that process markdown files.
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Great Expectations ( work in progress )
Got this link: Great Expectations from reading online, seems very interesting for higher level data asserts, started following the Welcome Guide
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Modern Windows Workstation for Developers
Windows is one of the historic and most used and installed O.S in the world. I had a high and lows relationship with it but still I always used it either at home or at work. On the past years my home computer is an Mac and I have being using linux mainly on vms/containers or remote. Now I am back working on daily basis on a windows machine and compared to my previous experience ( Windows 8 ), windows 11 is a totally different experience. Mainly on my opinion now due to the Windows Linux Subsystem.
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Git Random Notes
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JQ Random notes
Jq parses json and filters it.
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GitHub Actions
Using github actions to deploy pages on github pages.
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A nice docker Cheat Sheet
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VirtualBox Random Notes
Using virtualbox machines headless. Useful when you run your images on a remote server or even a localserver without graphical UI.
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Tmux Random Notes
My actual favorite terminal multiplexer.
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Terraform Random Notes
Terraform running locally direct from docker.
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Installing a local minecraft bedrock server - 2024
update 2024
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Markdown Random Notes
Markdown all things!!
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Software Bucket List
“Nice list of software that one day I will try to do something”, this list is self explanatory, like the one that I made with all musics that I will listen but I am likely to live around 80 years so I will never finish it.
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Learning Python as old developer
My learning python initial experience, from a old Perl and C developer to a fresh new python dev. I wrote on terms of the first walls of dificulty and how I proceed to pass through them.
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